Veteran Deals
Patronize these great establishments from around the Miami Valley that support veterans with great deals.
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Veteran Deals
Patronize these great establishments from around the Miami Valley that support veterans with great deals.
Is there a business you would like to recommend for this page? Reach out to Featured establishments will also be included in our newsletter.
Have a veteran deal to suggest? Please use our contact form to let us know!
Military Mondays Great Ohio Lodges
Stay on Monday nights and receive 30% off the best available rate for both lodge rooms and cabins.

Pro Football Hall of Fame
Military, veterans, and first responders get $5 off admission.

Free Fishing/Hunting License for Disabled Vets!
Disabled veterans receive free hunting/fishing license from Ohio Department of Natural Resources

10% discount on select products and services. Requires online verification.

Ace Hardware
Varies by location. Most stores offer 10% discount to veterans with an eligible ID.

Home Depot
10% discount on most items up to $400 annually. Requires online validation.
Military Mondays Great Ohio Lodges
Stay on Monday nights and receive 30% off the best available rate for both lodge rooms and cabins.

Archer’s Veteran Breakfast
Last Saturday of every month at Archer’s Tavern in Kettering

Ace Hardware
Varies by location. Most stores offer 10% discount to veterans with an eligible ID.

Home Depot
10% discount on most items up to $400 annually. Requires online validation.

Free Fishing/Hunting License for Disabled Vets!
Disabled veterans receive free hunting/fishing license from Ohio Department of Natural Resources

10% discount on select products and services. Requires online verification.